Have you ever imagined to use your mobile phone enable to access Facebook when you haven't any browser on your mobile phone? or You might wanted to accessFacebook, but there's no apps supports on your mobile phone when you are using an old phone (like Nokia 1100)? its true not all can buy an android phone just to updatefacebook. and not jst mobile phone it also require internet connection as well.
Anyway you don't have to worry when you can't find the internet browser on your mobile phone to access Facebook, it's because as long as you own any mobile phone, you can now enable to access your Facebook account.
How does No internet facebook works?
To use your Facebook on every mobile phone without requiring any apps or even the Internet, it's very simple, all you have to do just just dialing from your mobile phone*325# or *fbk# and then just enter your username Facebook account and password to access it. Once you're in, then you will enable to interact with your friends, like update status, give a comments, add a new friends, and many more.
This is the best trick to use facebook without internet connection especially if you forget to recharge internet or 3g packs. Also veiw some cool 3G hacks here.
This services given by Facebook India which partnered with Fonetwish, while to use this service for unlimited usage, it only priced around 1.00 Rupee per day, cool its quiet cheap buddies ! enjoy!
Anyway you don't have to worry when you can't find the internet browser on your mobile phone to access Facebook, it's because as long as you own any mobile phone, you can now enable to access your Facebook account.
How does No internet facebook works?
To use your Facebook on every mobile phone without requiring any apps or even the Internet, it's very simple, all you have to do just just dialing from your mobile phone*325# or *fbk# and then just enter your username Facebook account and password to access it. Once you're in, then you will enable to interact with your friends, like update status, give a comments, add a new friends, and many more.
This is the best trick to use facebook without internet connection especially if you forget to recharge internet or 3g packs. Also veiw some cool 3G hacks here.
This services given by Facebook India which partnered with Fonetwish, while to use this service for unlimited usage, it only priced around 1.00 Rupee per day, cool its quiet cheap buddies ! enjoy!
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